Spring Blossoms

I was talking about the cold, windy days last time we talked and desperately wanting it to get warmer, but now that we’re here, I think we just shot straight into summer. This weather has me lost, confused, but mostly sneezing and feeling kind of groggy. We skipped spring, but not those hell-ish spring allergies unfortunately. *cue crying emoji*

I went to check out some spring cherry blossoms at a nearby park with the family 2 weeks ago and honestly, it was pretty damn break taking, but with spring weather being so chilly, many trees still hadn't bloomed. I was expecting more vibrancy, but I was still able to get some great shots. Of course, I went a little overboard on Instagram and posted multiple photos of flowers, because why not.  What's particularly hysterical (or perhaps only I find this funny) with my flower obsession on Instagram is that I love to take pictures of flowers, but I’m actually not that particular to having flowers. There’s a funny store there..

Growing up my dad and mom were very much into planting and gardening. My mom’s go-to centerpiece for every room in the house was fake flowers. Yes, fake. Always fake. At weddings,  where there are those beautiful flower centerpieces? The moment the guests are given the OK to take the flowers home, my mama swoops in like a hawk and takes three. Always three.  Even our kitchen has the makings of a pseudo-jungle, one with ferns and small trees adorning our kitchen table in abundance, so in turn I’ve been very blasé about buying and having flowers around the house over the years. I do however, love photographing and drawing flowers. Ironic, huh? As you can clearly see, I have a very complicated set of politics. Flower politics that is.. 

Oversized Denim Jacket (similar here
Thrifted Black Sleeveless Knit (similar here

Photos Taken With: Nikon Coolpix P7700