Voyage of Anouk

steve madden, anouk & co, american rag dress, isaac mizrahi watch

Yes, I have been gone for a month, but I come bearing gifts, beautiful gifts and I think you'll definitely love this one.

It's been some time since I posted on Duty Free Dame, and although I wish it hadn't been that long, it has just been impossible for me because I recently had a big move. This big move comes with its amazing advantages like new experiences, new people, a new environment, but with that comes the challenges such as finding new spots to shoot, and getting adjusted to the area.

Before moving, I didn't realize how great I really had it. I have to say I had become pretty tuned into the beautiful locations of where I used to live, and finding the time to shoot seemed to be pretty damn easy, if I do say so myself. But now it's a bit different.

That aside, whenever I am not on my blog, I am on my Youtube space, where I post videos very regularly, so if you're ever in some dire need of M.Dee time, check me out over there. Hopefully, you aren't two shocked/weirded out by my voice. I promise, I don't bite :)

Although I do frequently post YouTube videos, it has been a challenge to figure out how to do all of this, making videos and blogging. I gave it some thought, and I've decided I will post my videos here as well, so that I'm never too, too far behind from your lovely selves. But in the meantime, I am going to take the advice of a friend on getting adjusted to my new surroundings. He told me that I need to just "breathe" and be patient. It will take some time for me to explore the city and understand what it has to offer for us (the blog and I).

In the meantime, I leave you with these shots of my beautiful new voyager backpack from Anouk & Co. I have recently gotten to know the designer, Anu, and I'm just really in love with her brand and mission statement. Highlighting underrepresented artists is something I feel passionately about. There are so many artistic gems that are not spoken of enough because they are from Asian, Latino, or African countries, and I love that Anouk & Co aims to challenge that.

On a lighter note, I'm sure you're just as in awe of this backpack as I am. The bag is spacious, but also doesn't overwhelm my petite frame. I got to say that this voyager is one beautiful, yet functional work of art.
steve madden, anouk & co, american rag dress, isaac mizrahi watch

Steve Madden Boots
American Rag Dress
Isaac Mizrahi Watch

Photos Taken With: Nikon Coolpix P7700