The 5 Step Jewel Cleanse

I was really inspired by fashion blogger, Hoda Katebi, who recently wrote a blog post where she talks about minimizing your wardrobe. It really struck me because I've been literally staring at my closet and jewelry box[es] wondering how in the hell I acquired so much, but I guess I shouldn't be too surprised; my family is Indian. Being slightly obsessed with jewelry is sort of our thing.

BUT, it was time. It was time for me to go through my stuff and start organizing what I wanted and what could be donated. So, over the weekend, I did just that. It was really therapeutic for me. I felt pretty accomplished that I could actually part with some of my things and with that being said, I thought I would share some tips on how to organize your jewel life.

  1. Put a limit. Last year, I decided I would only buy 3-4 pieces of jewelry a year. This is a vast improvement over the 8-10 pieces I had bought in each of 4 years past. If limiting how much jewelery you buy each year is too much to do, then perhaps donate one piece of jewelry for every new purchase you make. That way you're not adding to the overabundance.
  2. Organize. Don't shove all your jewelry in a box. I repeat. DO. NOT. This is the easiest way to just acquire mass amounts of unnecessary things and forget you own most of it. Honestly, been there, done that. Then, two years ago, I asked my parents to get me a jewelry stand for Christmas. Best gift ever. So, my tip: get 1-2 jewelry stands like the one in the photo above. That way you can see all the jewelry you own and you'll be less likely to overbuy. I also suggest buying jewelry boxes that have a clear case so that you can always see everything inside. This is another way to be more organized if jewelry stands aren't exactly your cup of tea.
  3. Analyze, fantasize and redefine. You have acquired your jewelry over many years and a lot has changed. So think about the elements of your current style and then have a look at your jewelry. Finally, ask yourself these questions:
    1.  Is it broken? If yes, then is it repairable?
    2. Does it fit right? Does it hurt to wear it now?
    3. Are you absolutely in love with it? Or could you do without?
    4. Is there at least one occasion in the next month where you would wear it?
  4. Go minimal. When looking to "purge," try to keep the pieces that can be paired with multiple outfits. For instance, if you tend to buy big pendants necklaces, keep those that are in the black, white, grey,gold and silver categories, as they can be paired with multiple things. Don't get me wrong, I love color, but as I get a little older I have less opportunities to wear my eye-blinding bling and they all just sit on my table collecting dusk. It really pays to know when to just throw in the towel and call it a day with the yesteryear pieces.
  5. Take out the repeats.  Chances are (don't lie, I see you over there) you have a type. And I'm not talking your type of date, I'm talking your jewel type. You probably have a few of the same pairs of necklaces, earrings, bracelets…am I right?  Whether it be necklaces, earrings or watches, you have two of the same thing because you thought you didn't have this "I've never seen this before!" piece, only to come home and realize you bought the same damn thing last year. We've all been there, girl. Don't be ashamed. It just means you're consistent. And don't worry. There's a simple fix: pick which one you love the most and donate/sell the rest.